Migrant Worker Voice and Engagement

Respect for and protection of migrant workers` rights lies at the core of ethical recruitment and IRIS. In recent years, a growing interest in ethical recruitment has been accompanied by a focus on the unique vulnerabilities of migrant workers in the global economy.  

This has inspired the concept of “migrant voice”, an umbrella term that captures a range of migrant-centred activities. For IRIS, these activities include community and grassroots engagement, direct outreach and support through Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) and building partnerships with civil society, migrants’ rights groups, the labour movement and other non-profit organizations. The goal of these activities is to empower migrant workers and the organizations that advocate on their behalf. 

In practical terms, IRIS pilots comprehensive training programmes for migrants that involve pre-departure, post-arrival, employment, cultural and pre-return orientation. IRIS also supports civil society overseeing compliance of international recruitment practices and grievance mechanisms that link CSOs in countries of origin and destination. These activities support the development of an ethical recruitment “safety net”, promote remedy (when needed) and enhance a holistic safe migration experience for migrants in corridors where IRIS is active. 

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